Collections, connecting to people, friendship, relationships, objects, story telling, memories, identity, communication, shared experiences, capturing a memory or period of time.
I have chosen old photographs of friends which represent them or our experiences/time together, and put each with captions of text from old emails we used to keep up to dat and in contact while away at university. I have removed all names.
I have looked at the language we use, and want to experiment with text and possibly letter press. I have printed some A4 sheets of enlargements of text from text messages, to experiment with size, colour and font.
Next... * Look at the ways we communicate (email, text, phone calls, facebook) and create a letter to post round the group to make communication more personal.
* Create a form of time capsule- a comment on a particular age group from a particular background
* Look at cultural influences from 2004-2010 (our time spent together as a group of close friends)
* Creating an object/installation.... photographs set in resin, images or film projected...
* Create a short film
* Portraits of individual friends, and group photos
* Carrying on recording our experiences through photography (possibly voice recordings, filming)
* Typographic posters