Tuesday 16 March 2010

Some photos from the hen 12/03/10

Taken with my Holga. 120 100 and 400 films.

Easter Fair

Me and Sarah are making easter egg surprises/pinatas to sell at the Easter Fair to raise money for our external show. We didn't want to bake, but make something a bit more fun. We bought sweets, chocolate and some small stationary items to go inside the surprise eggs. We paper-mache balloons (with the sweets inside), and covered them in coloured tissue paper. Fun, but a bit too time consuming! Especially as we'll sell them for about £1.50 and they'll be smashed open...

Made me want to make a 3D object for my unit 11 project. Paste photographs and text together/onto something...

Saturday 13 March 2010

Ideas so far

Collections, connecting to people, friendship, relationships, objects, story telling, memories, identity, communication, shared experiences, capturing a memory or period of time.

I have chosen old photographs of friends which represent them or our experiences/time together, and put each with captions of text from old emails we used to keep up to dat and in contact while away at university. I have removed all names.

I have looked at the language we use, and want to experiment with text and possibly letter press. I have printed some A4 sheets of enlargements of text from text messages, to experiment with size, colour and font.

* Look at the ways we communicate (email, text, phone calls, facebook) and create a letter to post round the group to make communication more personal.
* Create a form of time capsule- a comment on a particular age group from a particular background
* Look at cultural influences from 2004-2010 (our time spent together as a group of close friends)
* Creating an object/installation.... photographs set in resin, images or film projected...
* Create a short film
* Portraits of individual friends, and group photos
* Carrying on recording our experiences through photography (possibly voice recordings, filming)
* Typographic posters

Friday 12 March 2010


Going out tonight to my cousin's hen night at Mahiki club in Mayfair (for cocktail making) then onto my friend Charley's birthday at Proud in Camden. I'm taking my Holga camera, bought some 120 400 ISO colour film, and also have a fuji disposable camera to use up too.

Going to be quite a long and eventful night, so hopefully can take lots of photos...

Paul Jasmin

Tracey Emin

Dash Snow

Sophie Calle

Artists to look at

Sophie Calle, Tracey Emin, Eric Roma films (The Green Ray, My girlfriend's boyfriend), Paul Jasmin, Jenny Holzer, Dash Snow...

Thursday 11th March

Yesterday, me and Sarah went into uni to try do some work together and set a short project together. We talked to Dave about our projects too.

We went next door to see The Art BIn, and then onto The British Museum to see Cradle to Grave by Pharmacopoeia.

'Cradle to Grave explores our approach to health in Britain today. The piece incorporates a lifetime supply of prescribed drugs knitted into two lengths of fabric, illustrating the medical stories of one woman and one man.

Each length contains over 14,000 drugs, the estimated average prescribed to every person in Britain in their lifetime. This does not include pills we might buy over the counter, which would require about 40,000 pills each.'

The personal photographs with hand written descriptions underneath were interesting. I am experimenting with hand written and printed text, from emails, text messages and recorded conversations with my friends.

BA Graphic Design Camberwell- 3rd Year, Unit 11

Moving on from looking at Collections and hoarded objects of sentimental value in unit 10, I am focusing on friendship, forms of communication, language used, and themes discussed between friendship groups. I am starting by using my own friends, in particular 4 close ones, whom I have known for 7 years.

I am looking at ways we have communicated and kept in touch (while away at different universities), subjects we share and discuss, language we use, and the collections of photographs we have created over the years.

Project titles.... Shared Experiences, universal experiences, circle of friends...

Friday 16 November 2007

3 days left...

I'm in class at the moment waiting for James to help me save my film as low and high resolution copies. Then I'm meeting with my group to burn all our work onto dvd. Everyone seems confused as to what work we are actually supposed to put on the dvd...but I guess we'll just have to put on what we've all brought with us. As soon as I've finish with my group I think I'll go straight home and try to finish off my analogue press pack and my evaluation, then I will be finished! Would rather finish everything before the weekend.

Wednesday 14 November 2007

Stills which I made into cards for my Press Pack

Completed film!

I've now definitely finished all editing on my film. I also changed the music again. I've finally decided on Beethoven's 7th Symphony, which is beautiful, and moving, and I think goes perfectly with my film!

Today I've also completed making my cards of film stills for my press pack, and also made my leaflet. I decide that I also want to include some sort of 'safety' information on asthma, like tips or numbers of help lines, what to do during an asthma attack, and information you could give friends, colleagues, family, to also help them know what to do if someone they know has an attack.
I could send my press packs out to asthma charities...

I still have some writen work to do, and making high and low resolution files of my film, (which I don't know how to do)...but I'm happy with my film, which, being the most creative and exciting element of this project- I can't help but care about the most. So I'm feeling ok about the project...even though maybe not eveything I've done for this project is perfect and completely 'filling the brief' but I've done as much as I've understood, and I put everything I could into making my film exactly how I envisioned.

Tuesday 13 November 2007

Last week rush...Evaluation analogue Vs cyber

Only 5 whole days untill my deadline.

Today I started writing my evaluation, including my opinion on analogue Vs cyber, digital Vs film photography....

I finally found the perfect music I wanted for my film!...I think. 'The Promise' by Michael Nyman from the score of the film The Piano.

I also think that I have finished all editing on my film, at that it is now complete.

Still adding to my cyber and analogue press packs. Been printing off stills from my film, which I am mounting to include as cards in my analogue press pack, I've also started making a leaflet/look-book about myself as a photographer, my film and the Safe+Sound project.

I still need to finish writing my proposals for archiving. Me and my group have planned a meeting time/place via e-mail, when we can put all our work for this cyber project onto a DVD.

The thought that I only have a few days left to finish makes me feel so panicked, but I think ill be able to finish everything, and be fine...

Monday 12 November 2007

Progress....and planning my press pack

I've been trying to put together my analogue and cyber press packs today, I want my analogue press pack to relate to the subject of asthma, so I 've been trying to create a medical/clinical look to my press pack, in which I would want to include stills from my film, which I think I will mount onto foam baord, (maybe just 5x3"), a leaflet/look book including information on the Safe+Sound project I'm working with, info about my film, and maybe info on asthma itself.
I think I will use a pharmacy paper bag to put my information in, and I'm also considering the idea of pasting information and stills from my film on the sides of empty medicine boxes....

Today I've also set up my cyber press pack- a Myspace site promoting this Blog! Which I will post my video on when it's complete.

I'm also writing my proposals on archiving tonight, and been writing notes on my cyber Vs analogue debate, which I will include in my final evaluation.